Sunday, 26 February 2012

slr tlr and rangefinders

As you know (or not) I happen to love old cameras. Now my parents have absolutely crushed all my hopes of ever taking actual pictures with old cameras, with arguments such as :"developping the film (which by the way is expensive) is expensive" or "now you won't find anyone who'll develop them" or "it doesn't take good pictures, numeric is better". Yeah, let's all be modern (bugger !). Anyways, I've decided that I didn't care, and I soon as I turned 18 I would be and take pictures with my old cameras. On holiday, I was at my grand-parents (which is where I find all my old clothe and old things, including old cameras) and I found two (well, more, but I could only get two) old cameras that belonged to my aunt. The first is a Kodak Tele-Instamatic 330, a sort of flat rectangular camera (too cool for school) :

And the second one is an Afga Optima Flash Sensor which is basically marvelous :

And I've no films for either of them though I researched and found out that lucky me, each necessitated film was no longer manufactured but could still be found (and the Afga's films are still used today so easily found). Anyways, just a peak to share my undying and binding passion for old out-of-use cameras, that I will someday use (be it the last thing I do).

On a totally different subject, tomorrow I'm going to Paris (easier since I live in France)!!!!!! It's absolutely and totally super super cool as I'm going with my best friend who also happens to love fashion like me. So we're going to dress chic and try (and manage) to get into Chanel and act like we're rich and try on all sorts of really expensive out of budget clothe. That's also too cool to be true. I've also made a plan of all the second-hand stores in Paris, and found out that some sell dresses and stuff at like 5 euros (about 7 dollars) which is also totally cool and from which I will profit immensely. Paris, here I come !!!!!

And the random person wandering in Paris

When I'll be there I'll take a lot of pictures (I double checked batteries, flash card, amount of storage available on flash card (oh yes, I did get to a wonderful location and find out I had no space on my camera to take pictures anymore).
I'll post them on my return :)

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