Tuesday, 6 September 2011


As you'll all know, in a two or so weeks it's Thanksgiving, and for that special occasion I decided to wear a special piece of clothe : The Little Black Dress.
I think what gave me the idea was the last publicity spot for Yves Saint Laurent about the new Golden Lustre Lipstick, which, of course, is bright red. I don't know why (I might have been Dracula's wife in another life) but it occured to me how much I loved black and red together, and how much it looked glamourous. Of course, for my first year of actually worrying about how I'm going to dress, I absolutely have to wear a classic, just to pay a tribute to the very, very big Coco Chanel who one day with a stroke of genius created chic and class for the decades to come. You'll all remember Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's :

(If I haven't made it clear by now - I love Audrey Hepburn :))))))))) or the Little Black Sparrow (Edith Piaf, iconic)

Aaaanyway, back to the subject. So in order to play like the Common Death Adder (the kind of snake that acts very, very slowly and then strikes fast as lightning, and once it has bitten you, the venom makes you feels euphoriac for a few days) and do that to everybody who sees me (yay !!) I have to be shining ! Wish me luck !

PS - I'll post my actual outfit in a few days, tell me if something feels wrong.

Victime de la Mode

Hey ! For some time now I've been really interested in Fashion (with a big F !!) and everything that goes with it - art, culture, movies (espEcially old Audrey Hepburn movies =D). I've so many thoughts that I suddenly thought it would be a good idea to put them all on paper - or, better - online !! I'm new at this so it may take some time before you guys really get interested in my posts, so don't hesitate to comment to give ideas, opinion and so I can improve some sides of my blog !